Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Humpty Dumpty

My Lens. What happens when my lens hits a hard wooden object.
Image copyright Erik Markov 2009

I did something stupid the other day..... I listened to a reporter. There was a story about some cement dams in a local creek that are being taken out. To get a picture of one of the dams it was necessary to go across a very old, very rickety train trestle and down the wooded bank of the creek.

I had a bad feeling about this whole thing, I expressed my uneasiness about it, but the reporter is a %^&$% and rather than listening to my gut, I followed him.

After getting the photo, I climbed back up the bank and start back across the trestle. And my foot missed a railroad tie, falling thru a hole up to my hip. I guess it was then that the filter broke. Isn't that why company equipment was invented?

Of course I used this as an excuse to practice some lighting.

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