Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Go Big or Go Home

Image copyright Kokomo Tribune 2008

Had a couple sports assignments last week that got some big play on the section front which made me extremely happy.

The first one was a story about two triathletes competing in an upcoming event. They weren't actually practicing as the assignment said they would be, so I had to resort to a portrait. Framing the two of them with the front wheel of one of the bikes is an old standby but it works. The strobe made them pop a little and I like how the spokes divide them.

The other assignment was of a football linebacker for one of the local h.s. teams. Again, there wasn't much to work with. An overcast sky eliminated a few of the ideas I had for something dramatic involving a bright blue background. He's the leading tackler for the past two years and looking at the image gives you the idea he's serious about his assignment.

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